So, the soap opera that is American Idol wasted no time switching it into high gear, huh? I'm sure I am not alone in the Idolosphere when I say that in this world (the American Idol world, not the REAL world), there is no justice. Wait. IS there justice in the real world? Never mind. That's a topic for another day. I digress.
Am I one bit surprised by the elimination of Melissa McGhee? Nope. Am I sad to see her leave? Quite.
But there were a few surprises ...
The bottom three are ... WAIT! WHO?? What? Did you get the license plate number of the bus that just knocked me flat? The bottom three are Melissa, Lisa and ... ACE?? This is NOT going to help my I.B.I. (Idols Batted In) average even a little. I was truly surprised to see Ace in the bottom three. Granted, his performance last night wasn't his best (OK, fine. I didn't like it at all. Sue me.) but he's ACE YOUNG for cripes sake! America's sensitive, beanie-wearing, your-clothes-would-look-so-great-balled-up-at-the-foot-of-my-bed, come-hither boy! Where were all of the "Ace is SOOOOO HOTTTTT" people? Don't you VOTE? God help you when you're old enough to elect a President. Tonight's show was not only a wake-up call for Ace himself, but also for his fans. The legions of girls in the audience who were shrieking in anguish at the possibility that Ace the Face might be gone should remember to VOTE, VOTE, VOTE.
**NOTE: Did you notice that Ace's brother (in the audience every night) appears to be even more sensitive and have even bigger "hold me" eyes than Ace himself? WOW. Good genes in that family!**
Also, LISA?? Wha-wha-WHAAAT? Has she been boring? Yeah. Has she been BAD? Not really. Just forgettable. The fact that she languished in the bottom three while Kevin Covais (that little knob rocket) and The Gherkin were safe is nothing short of a travesty. Is it just me, or is Kevin starting to look just a little too smug? I am liking him less and less by the second.
Right or wrong, we say goodbye to Melissa McGhee. She seemed to feel that the elimination was a foregone conclusion, which I think it probably was. She handled herself gracefully this evening and, after her performance last night, she should have no regrets.
Before I close, I have one MAJOR bone to pick with FOX. Not ONLY does their show require that the eliminatee sing their Song of Shame (thanks, Mags!), but tonight, they cut before she even got started. If they're not going to broadcast the golldarned song, then what's the point, really? They're nothing but a bunch of ass-faced jackknockers (did anyone else watch The Loop?)
Bethenny Frankel is still at the beach
8 years ago
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