Thursday, March 16, 2006

A "Very Special" American Idolatry

After last night's results show, I'm hungry for a little KFC. That's Kentucky Fried Covais, dontcha know?

I shouldn't really be this bothered by a 16-year-old, but I have had just about enough of Kevin Covais. I am sure that he's a nice kid. I'm sure that he's smart. But the qualities that made him so "squish"-worthy (I'm not even sure what that means, exactly) in the beginning are now morphing into conceit, arrogance and cockiness. If it wasn't enough for America to vote him out based on his lackluster singing ability, MAYBE he'll start annoying people enough that he'll get voted out sooner, rather than later.

After reading countless posts questioning the sanity of the American voting public and the downright FURY that people are expressing about Chicken Little, I decided to work up some extra-special mashups.

**As always, these are all in jest, so don't go getting your knickers in a big ol' bunch, kay?**

In the beginning, people were comparing Kevin to Anthony Federov from Season 4 ... nice kid, OK voice.

**NOTE: I was unable to mashup Kevin with Season 3 contestant & all-around nice boy John Stevens (another comparee), as his skin is pinker than pink and Kevin's is, well ... PASTY on even the best day.**

As he became more annoying, KevCo was compared to the far less appealing, sometime criminal Scott Savol ...

After last night's show, however, I think it's clear that KevCo is really a Little Devil ...

(Isn't that SPECIAL?)

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